Development Authority Nagaland (DAN) was constituted in 1976 in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 73 of the Nagaland Town and Country Planning Act 1966 (Nagaland Act of 1966). The jurisdiction of Development Authority Nagaland covers the entire state of Nagaland and is under the Urban Development Department, Government of Nagaland. It is a Statutory Planning & Development body for the whole state and as per the provision of the Act, it has the power to acquire and develop land and also undertake any other remunerative projects and function as a self financing body.
The main objective of DAN is to function as an infrastructural development and revenue generating agency. It has the power to acquire and develop land and also undertake any other remunerative projects and function as a self financing body. DAN is recognized and capable for undertaking various project as a deposit work for which agency charge is realized.
- Implement Master Plan for various urban areas in the State.
- Implement Social housing schemes including land development and disposal.
- Construct urban facilities, other urban infrastructure and any other projects as directed by the Government.
- Promote and enforce building bye laws in the State.
- Ensure construction work on behalf of the Government.
DAN is governed by Board of Directors who is the sole Aurhority in the policy making. Presently, it is envisaged to function as an Autonomous body under a Chairman (Member, Legislative Assembly) nominated by the Government. The Vice Chairman is the Principal Secretary, Urban Development Department, the Secretary is deputed by its parent department i.e. Urban Development for sanction and executing all the Department activities that comes to the Authority and Sr. E.O is the overall in charge and assist the Secretary in the functioning of the office.